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Date of Completion: 15/05/2020

Tasks I completed throughout the project:


  • UFO Model

  • Building Blocks Model

  • Jigsaw Pieces Model

  • Train Tracks Model

  • Concept Art

  • Level Design

  • Screen Design

  • End Credits



My main focus of work was on more design and theory based, allowing me to demonstrate some versatility in different areas of the project to my level of knowledge. When the project commenced, and the brief had been analysed. We all decided to brainstorm a relevant theme that would be both fun and appealing. I put forward some proposals with a kids-based environment as there were so many unique features that could be used to our advantage. Finalising the concept with this idea allowed the final boss to be a toy chest which proved a strong candidate for “chaotic terror”. In the weeks that followed, we were assigned tasks to carry out for our skillset, as well as contribution to the project. 


I gave myself a head start regarding the concept document as there were clashes with my FMP deadlines and in doing this, I managed to stay on track in weeks ahead regarding documentation since this was one of the major requirements for the project submission. I had assistance from other team members to research the type of enemies we wanted to include. At the same time, I started picking out certain enemies to design such as a UFO and Building Blocks. I had a lot of fun modelling these objects as I find modelling quite therapeutic. I tried to put in some more effort when the demos were being presented by announcing the latest changes. I would also note down any feedback given and share it to the rest of the team who may have been absent or forget what was recorded. The concept document was shaping out nicely based on our ideas and constant progression on the Demo. 


Additionally, I felt that the current state of the game needed some more environmental assets. I took the liberty to design a train track, as well as a jigsaw puzzle piece/play mat that the toy chest would be placed underneath. This made me feel I was giving something a bit more than what was previously implemented to the project. When the pandemic of COVID-19 broke out to dire situations in the UK, this resorted to the project moving completely over to discord, as well as online lessons for demonstration sessions. We all still managed to pursue forward with development under the circumstances as this is where the team itself started being less productive/responsive. Following the social changes, there were only certain areas in the project that I could add/refine as it was more the programming side that needed updating.


I did however set up a warning scene for players that may suffer with seizure-based issues such as flashing lights or epilepsy. This would allow the player to be confronted and advised before anything bright may affect and impair their vision. The remaining weeks that followed were more improving the required documentation and polishing the game. I concentrated more on the concept document as I wanted it to fit the overall detail of our initial idea and how it succeeded to the creation of Techno Baron. To summarise this project, I believe that it led to a positive and strong working title. There was a pleasing enough level of activity throughout the weeks of development. Although, there was the occasional absence from team members which is only natural in projects like this, only there was lack of coordination and communication when it came to important lesson days. I’m happy with my efforts regardless of the obstacles we faced.

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