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Reading Week

GDD710 Development Practice Module - Week 6 - Development


"It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it!" - (Zig Ziglar, 2012)

Figure 1: Reading Week Illustration (Megan Hendfy, 2014)


Reading or Writing Week?

I wouldn't neccessarily call this a reading week to try something new and taking it easy. Due to my stretched schedule taking over the majority of my study time, I have spent this week catching up on missing content in my blogs, as well as re-reading the last 5 weeks of criteria to ensure my posts backup the neccessary information and activities. I was still surprised with the overall result of my Rapid Ideation considering it was developed over a 2 -day period. I felt very proud when sharing my work to my study group within this week as the deadline took place as the reading week commenced to give a standby on further academic learning. This gave students like myself the benefit to catch up and clean up missing and untidy information on the work I have contributed so far. Even looking back over the Rapid |deation, the rush of creating something felt so strong and brought out abit more of my self-innovative side than I would have liked.

It was a lightbulb moment to keep reminding myself why I like developing games and how creative you can be from such a small concept. I don't class this week as much for moving forward, more looking backwards and checking I am following the right academic path. I feel that these blogs have been getting the better of me in a drone or zombie-like sense. Not to saay that I am being reflective and enjoying what I note down, but cramming all the infomation into one can become quite nerve-racking. Perhaps as mentioned in my previous blog regarding reflection and SMART goals if I had maintained a solid schedule to manage my time with studying, these predicaments would not have occurred. Then again, It is all part and pass of the journey to learn form these errors and refine them as a long-term goal and reminder, otherwise this blog would be quite shorter than planned. When referring to referencing and SPAG, I would say it is on average level.


Referencing & Pre-crastination

Figure 2: pre-crastination Illustration (David A. Rosenbaum, 2015)


I had alot of experience during undergraduate studies in how to Harvard reference. It has always taught me to never leave referencing to the last minute! I find certain sources stronger than others, especially when the relevance is hardly the same context. For instance, a reference in my last post was describing the term "reflection" which was relating towards more of a health service practices. I still referenced this link due to its similarities of expression and how I interpreted the definition, which made structrural sense to include. In all honesty, I have hit a classic student scenario. The student sits at his desk every late night he can muster the courage and confidence to push through, staring at multiple tabs with water and tea as an energy supply whilst daringly pushing to motivate in what he wants to achieve and express through blogging.

If you didn't catch on, that is actually yours truly. Admittingly my habits of study are not healthy, especially for the start of the course. The questions I have already raised before people attempt is what I be like at the end of the module? Will I have the same pattern when it comes to FMP and Dissertation? I aim to change those ways in time as I want to follow a systemic schedule that can work in my favour instead of feeling trapped late at night, slave writing away to catch up. I will break the cycle and become more of a "Pre-crastinator" rather than a procrastinater. I will steal back from the valuable time theif and make my studies run like steady clockwork. | will do the best of my abilities to branch this new schedule into the upcoming Rapid Ideation 2. This will all depend on how busy and challenging my workload and time management becomes around my studies.

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