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Project Definition & Scope

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

GDO750 Major Project - Week 3 - Research


This week has been a challenging part of the project to overcome. Not only to define the games definition and scope, but taking time away from the project due to bereavement, which has taking an effect mentally on my abilities to pursue further with my tasks. I felt strong at the start of the week due to finally setting up my version control and workflow, only to find my levels of commitment to understandably declining any further progress. The one breakthrough was diving more into the research side of the project. I have decided to develop this game to express a specific area of mental health, as well as its struggles on individuals and the journey they go through to search for support and define their own clarity.

Alongside, I have come down to a finalised decision or feature lock for the project itself with regarding scope. I discussed with my supervisor on the the two-world/realms concept for the game and to meet a playable and presentable completion of two seperate sections, I will be making this game as a vertical slice. This allows me to work towards a fully polished portion of the game and illustrate the ideally intended user experience through environmental and visual storytelling. This assists me by visualising more accurate and feasible development plan by the first version being the Proof of Concept, followed by a few iterations of a prototype build and met at the end of development with a final representation of the game in an executed Vertical Slice build.

To help visualise the game, I decided to bring the idea to live through the creation of a title page using some photoshop. This gave me more visual clarification in how I want this game to feel and appeal to my potential audience. Below is the design I made for the style of the game.


Figure 1: Condemned: Souls of the Veil Title (Kyle Cornwell, 2022)


This design was achieved using an open-sourced font type from the website The type is known as 'Corrupt File' which when I inputted the title, I was drawn to its visual appeal in a glitchy and pixelated display. I then decided since my title includes 3 of the letter O, I wanted to refine it by using a pixelated eye to represent something literally eye catching, as well as leave behind some mystery that requires explaination, leading to discovery of the unknown. It's these types of concepts that draws my attention to games with various techniques of storytelling.

I am still tweaking with how these decisions will be demonstrated through the artefact due to the external issues I encountered that put any progress to an immediate halt. I still have strong confidence and belief in where the project will be heading and meeting my set goals in the process. I hope next week will enable me to pick up where I left off and start developing the practical side of the artefact. My development video for this week covers further discussion regarding my project definiton and scope. I hope to see you all next week in a stronger position with the upcoming deadines ahead.


Figure 2: Condemned: Souls of the Veil Devlog 3 - Project Defnition & Scope (Kyle Cornwell, 2022)



Imagex-Fonts, 2020. Corrupted File Font [Online] Available at: [Last Accessed 24/10/2022]

Kyle Cornwell, 2022. Condemned: Souls of the Veil Devlog 3 - Project Definition & Scope [last viewed 24/10/2022] Available at:

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