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Progress & Analysis

GDO750 Major Project - Week 4 - Planning


This week involved the continuated effects from my previous update outside of study which has prevented me to be in a fit mental capacity to carry out further development on the project. This is only a short post to cover where the project stands. It is a hard realisation to comprehend emotion. One minute I can feel motivated enough to pursue further progress on a particularly set goal, the next trying to use distractions and coping methods to pick up that lost motivation and purpose. This is where I start to think about risk and contingency to follow when events like this take toll over task prioritisation.

Before the start of the next milestone Pre-Production, I not only aim to be in a stronger headspace, but to make my project management structure, consisting of risk and contingency tables, a word breakdown structure (WBS) and a gantt chart adopted from the WBS to outline each task for the project itself, aside from my own goals I set which correlate off the workflow I established using HacknPlan. All this disruption on the side has given me time to reflect and consider on the research question for the artefact, specifically the subjects of mental health and how I want to recipricate a particular area through the story aspects of the game. | would say I will be leaning more towards the areas of depression and loss, embracing its effects on an indivdual and how this can be overcome.

I plan for the practical work to kickstart in the next couple of weeks as giving that allocated time for sustainable commitment will ensure I don't fallback on work I cannot keep my word to. If these occurences did not effect my ability to work, the practical side of the game would have already been underway. Please check out my short development video to summarise where the current of the project stands and hope to pick up an improvement this time next week.


Figure 1: Condemned: Souls of the Veil Devlog 4 - Progress & Analysis (Kyle Cornwell, 2022)



Kyle Cornwell, 2022. Condemned: Souls of the Veil Devlog 4 - Progress & Analysis [last viewed 24/10/2022] Available at:

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