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Farmhouse Level Design

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Date of Completion: 12/01/2018

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The Farmhouse Level Design was an art, as well as design experiment during my first year. The main goal was to work within teams of 4 to develop a fully fleshed out level, including models from our own creativity. This experience boosted my modelling capabilities when it came to white boxing and level design. This showed massive improvements since I only worked on simple 3D models at College.


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The game itself was already pre-built, leaving room for the art and design elements to be placed. We were tasked to work as team and build a level based on our chosen Farmhouse theme. I was given the ground floor to design, consisting of the main room and two corridors. This also taught me alot about the hardships of group work, regarding absent team members half-way through development.

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Feel free to check out the Level Design Portfolio and Presentation.

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