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Date of Early Access Release: 02/06/2020

Project Title

Enchantress is a First Person Psychological thriller game, that the player will feature Megan Sterling, the first and last child to a dark and twisted Matron within WhiteRose Orphanage. A crimson trail has been left behind that must be uncovered through exploring the Orphanage, before mother finds you herself.


Background/Topic Overview

I have always been intrigued behind the psychological impact of games, especially in the horrors and thrillers as they bring out the emotive responses from each player in a variety of methods, such as uniquely designed characters or immersive sound mechanics.


These methods distribute the games initial goal. The dark natures of a hidden mystery persuade a player’s urge to discover the truth, unaware what the outcome will be. I find this approach towards games very engaging because of how the human mind can be tested and mislead, through emotional experiences.


With my Enchantress project, I would like to demonstrate these skills, to produce an engaging life-like story based on forgotten events, design an unique level and sound setting to show that I am capable, to make immersive, iconic levels that create a smooth game flow and show that I have the ability to program an Inventory, as well as a complex level of  AI.


I believe that the overall scope for this game is in a capable size to manage over the course of 5 months. This type of project meets Indie Game course expectations, as it covers relevant knowledge and  experience that has been acquired during the 3 years, I have spent at Solent showing I am accountable to develop a quality parallel to the industry of gaming.


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